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PT Platinum Polish Picasso Blue - (GURU) T890023

PT Platinum Polish Picasso Blue - (GURU) T890023

Subtotal: £12.95 Price: £12.95 + VAT if applicable
Quantity discounts 1 (£12.95) 2+ (£12.30) 10+ (£11.66)

SKU: T890023 Packaged weight: 0.10kg

Made in Japan, PT Polish is a superior hard compound used for the final stage of polishing platinum. It produces a high mirror finish on platinum when used in conjuction with a Reflex mop or equivalent.

Customers have recommended mixing PT polish with the Menzerna 175 compound as this provides a wet chrome appearance

Reflex Mop 4x 1 SKU:T78504

Menzerna P175 SKU: TP123606061

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