Exotic Gems: Volume 4 - How to Identify, Evaluate & Select Jade & Abalone Pearls by Renee Newman GG
This is the fourth in a series of books that explores the history, lore, properties, qualities and geographic sources of unusual gems. The book shows you with photos how to make visual judgments about the quality of jade and abalone pearls, and it explains how treatments affect the value of jade. It includes chapters on jade from China, Burma, Guatemala, Canada, the US, and Russia. The guide also provides information on caring for the gems, distinguishing between jadeite and nephrite, cutting jade, culturing abalone mabe pearls and detecting imitations and gem treatments. Both basic and advanced identification techniques and instrumentation are explained and illustrated. The gems are shown not only loose but also in jewellery and under magnification. If you're interested in jade or abalone pearls, the book can provide you with jewellery design ideas and in-depth information that will help you be a smart buyer and seller. Written in a succinct and user-friendly style, this is an ideal reference for jewellers, sales associates, appraisers, gem collectors, gemmology students, designers, gem dealers and consumers.