Argo-Tect Flux Powder 500g - TA18
Cookson Argo-tect is an easy to use substance that is perfect for protecting silver from fire staining when soldering and annealing, the best way to use this product is; Using a non ferrous container, mix thoroughly with methalayted spirits or water containing a detergant such asTEEPOL or LISSAPOL at a concentrate of 0.1% and 2%. Mix until the two have combined into a thick creamy consistency. then apply to the area with a clean brush. Once applied, quench in cold water immediately to keep the metal soft and remove any paste residue. Finally remove in by immersion for 2-5 mins in hot 5-10% sulphuric acid and rinse with hot water.
During the soldering process the paste acts as a flux in the joint area, so no other flux is needed.
For more information please refer to the data sheet below.
500 gm.